Reflecting on 2018 and Manifesting in 2019. Join me?

Around this time every year, I love to take a moment to do a reflection exercise that gets me into a manifestation mindset for the new year.

It creates energy.
It promotes motivation.
It warrants celebration.

Want to try it with me this year?

Join my First + Foremost community and receive monthly nudges on self-care and self-growth.

If listening is more your thing, I invite you to explore what's new on the podcast. In episode 33, I share out my personal ah-ha's as I completed the exercise this year. I realized some major lessons learned from this past year, and also some big ideas to consider as I move forward in life and in my business in 2019.

Before setting New Years Resolutions, I love to take some time to really think about what went well from the previous year and all I want to draw in and attract for the upcoming one. This is by far one of my all-time favorite coaching activities.

I hope you will join me in taking some time out just for you to reflect on where you're at and where you want to be.

You deserve that kind of intentional time for you my friend.